Friday, March 7th 2025, 6.00 - 10.00pm, ADW Design Depot, Mt Eden
Awards Ceremony
Resene Total Colour Awards - details to come

Resene has a long history of colour, with colours like Resene Spanish White and Resene Pearl Lusta created over three decades ago still continuing to be top choices for decorators today. In 1969 Resene set up a new system of colour, the British Standard Specification colour range which provided a range of strong colours at a time when the market was used to pastel colours. And more recently, in keeping with Resene’s focus on sustainable innovations, Resene has developed its own range of non VOC (volatile organic compound) tinters to enable all Resene decorative paints to be tinted without unwanted VOCs.

With thousands of Resene colours available, there’s no point having all these colours if they aren’t being used, which led to the creation of the Resene Total Colour Awards in 2010 to celebrate and encourage creative use of colour. It has run annually since then, and from 2025 onwards – it will be aligned with Auckland Design Week.

Attendance is by invitation – details of how to apply to attend will be shared in due course. Sign up for eNews to be kept up to date with the latest.

Awards Ceremony
Friday, March 7th 2025
6.00 - 10.00pm
ADW Design Depot, Mt Eden